en chiffres

Lancé depuis 2000, est une entreprise leader en options binaires.

Clients tradant activement

Our active client base is expected to reach over 175,000 total clients this year.

Nombre de transactions

We're projected to register over 377 million transactions this year, bringing the total number of contracts that were bought and sold on our platform since inception to over 1.42 billion.

Volume de transactions

We're expected to generate over USD 2 billion in turnover this year, bringing our total turnover since inception to over USD 9.2 billion.

Nombre d’employés et de sous traitants

We've grown in size over the years - both in terms of manpower and offices. We currently have over 250 employees across four offices in Malaysia, Malta, Paraguay and Dubai. Further growth in headcount is expected this year to cater to the increased demand in our products and services.