MetaTrader 5 와 함께 거래를 시작하세요

Trade with a powerful interface known as the global industry standard.

MT5 for Windows

MT5 for Mac

MT5 for Linux

수백만명의 트레이더들이 즐기는 강력한 도구들과 특점들에 접근하시기 위해 귀하의 데스크탑 또는 노트북용 MT5를 다운로드하세요.

The MT5 platform is not supported by macOS Catalina, Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista.

MT5 for Mobile

Access the markets anytime, anywhere using native apps for your iOS or Android devices.

MT5 for Android

MT5 for iOS

All versions for iOS

All versions for Android

MT5 web platform

Use the web platform from any Windows, MacOS, or Linux operating system – no download or installation required.

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