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파트너 수입





우리가 제공하는 파트너쉽의 종류

귀하가 하는 일에 따라, 귀하는 우리의 제휴자로써 또는 인트로듀싱 브로커 또는 두가지 모두에 지원할 수 있습니다. 귀하로부터의 더 많은 새 고객은 더 높은 잠재적 수수료를 의미합니다.

귀하의 고객에 의해 발생되어진 총 순이익에 따라 최대 45%까지 수수료를 받으세요. 수수료는 매달의 15일이 지난 후 귀하의 계좌에 입금됩니다.

수수료 구조

Earn daily commissions on the trading activities of the clients you refer to the Binary.com MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. Your total commissions will be credited into your account by the end of the day.

수수료 구조

Synthetic Indices Account

자산Commission per round trade
미화 100,000 달러의 턴오버당 $
Crash 1000 Index0.20
Crash 500 Index0.30
Boom 1000 Index0.20
Boom 500 Index0.30
Volatility 100 Index15.00
Volatility 75 Index10.00
Volatility 50 Index7.50
Volatility 25 Index3.50
Volatility 10 Index1.50
HF Volatility 100 Index15.00
HF Volatility 50 Index7.50
HF Volatility 10 Index1.50
Step Index0.20

For example, a round trade (i.e. open and close position) of 1 lot of Vol 75 Index for a price of USD 125,000 would pay USD 12.5.

USD 10 x 1 lot x USD 125,000/100,000 = USD 12.5

If your account currency is EUR or GBP, your commission will be converted based on the current forex rate.

Standard account

per lot
Forex and metals*10

Advanced account

per lot

*Represents the amount in base currency per round trade. For example, a round trade of 1 lot of EUR/USD would pay EUR 10 on standard accounts. A round trade of 1 lot of USD/CAD would pay USD 5 on advanced accounts.

**Cryptocurrencies commission per round trade. For example, a round trade of 1 lot of BTC/USD with spot price of USD 10,000 will pay USD 30 on standard accounts.

지금 가입하세요

운영 방법


귀하께서 선호하는 프로그램을 선택하시고, 신청서를 작성하세요, 그리고 승인이 나면 귀하의 제휴 링크를 받으세요.

Binary.com 소개

귀하의 청중들에게 말을 퍼뜨리세요. Binary.com으로 트래픽을 적용하기 위해 귀하의 독특한 소개 링크 및 믿을 수 있다고 증명된 우리의 소개 툴을 활용하세요.


Refer new clients to trade with us. Receive commissions based on your chosen partnership programme.

누가 Binary.com 파트너로 신청할 수 있는가요?


Runs and manages a website that promotes forex or binary options

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Nurtures a community of potential and existing online traders through insight and mentorship

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Conducts trading discussions and interactive sessions online with trading enthusiasts

웹 및 소프트웨어 개발자

Builds trading applications and interfaces using the Binary.com API

Social media admin

Manages a social media page dedicated to online trading

Blogger and vlogger

Maintains a page or video channel about online trading

우리의 글로벌 파트너 네트워크에 지금 참여하세요

Why partner with us

Multilingual platforms

Generous commissions

Multilingual platforms

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Multilingual platforms

On-time payments

Multilingual platforms

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Multilingual platforms

Customer-centric partnership

Multilingual platforms

Multiple income opportunities

Multilingual platforms

Advanced referral tools

Multilingual platforms

International support

Multilingual platforms

Multilingual platforms

Frequently asked questions

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